
Install with pip:

pip install essentialdb

Basic usage is straightforward:

from essentialdb import EssentialDB

#create or open the database
db = EssentialDB(filepath="my.db")

#get the collection
authors = db.get_collection('authors')

#use the abbreviated syntax
books = db.books

#insert a document into the collection
authors.insert_one({'first': 'Langston', 'last': 'Hughes', 'born': 1902});

#find some entries
results = authors.find({'last':'Hughes'})

#commit the changes to disk

Or using the ‘with’ semantics to assure that write happen without having to explicitly call sync:

with db.authors as author_collection:
    author_collection.insert_one({'first': 'Langston', 'last': 'Hughes', 'born': 1902})

Insert a document:

author = {'first': 'Langston', 'last': 'Hughes', 'born': 1902}

Insert many documents:

authors = [{'first': 'Langston', 'last': 'Hughes', 'born': 1902},
           {'first': 'Ezra', 'last': 'Pound', 'born': 1885}]

Find one document:

document = author_collection.find_one({'first': 'Ezra', 'last': 'Pound'})

Find many:

documents = author_collection.find({'born': {'$gt': 1900}})

Update one:

updated = author_collection.update({'_id': {'$eq': "A345i"}}, {'born': 1902})

Update many:

updated = author_collection.update({'born': {'$gt': 1900}}, {'period': 'Modern'})

Note that updating fields that don’t currently exist in the document will add the field to the document.

Remove Items:

removed = author_collection.remove({'period':'Modern'})

Nested Queries:

customer_collection.insert_one({'first': 'John', 'last': 'Smith', 'address': { 'street': '10 Maple St', 'city': 'Missoula', 'state': 'MT'}})
results = customer_db.find({'address.state':'MT'})

Note that nested query support means that key names can not include a period.

Write updates to disk:
